Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Carol B. Condit Bio (revised)

I am Caroline B. Condit

I am a LD 15 Conservative PC

I am an American Nurse who, out of a deep love of my GOD and my COUNTRY, can no longer deny what I see happening to my country as not being a catastrophic time in my life.

I feel a fear and discord in those I speak with on a day to day basis. I sense the dis-ease that is weighing on peoples shoulders and hear the uncertainty in their asking what we can do to stop this march to the potential loss of our freedoms.

I realize that sense of dis-ease as I too feel it.

I can not stand by and expect “someone else” to fight for my freedom if I too am not willing to step-up to the challenge.

But, I can’t do it without your help!

I am an AMERICAN first and foremost, who believes our Founding Fathers took their own freedoms to heart enough to fight to assure that same protection to future generations.

I, therefore, feel obligated to my American forefathers to continue their cause today, in protecting our Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and Constitution, by serving my fellow American Citizens, man, woman and child.

Help me be a Conservative Republican voice for us in 2010.

Our Freedoms depend on it

Thank you so very much for your support and contribution!


Paid for by the Condit2010 committee

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